What You Need to Know About Arsenic and Rice: Goodness Farm’s Approach

The escalating presence of arsenic, especially in rice-dependent regions like South Asia, is a growing concern. Arsenic, a naturally occurring element in soil and water, poses considerable health risks, particularly since rice is a staple for a significant global population. The introduction of arsenic into the environment occurs through various natural processes and anthropogenic activities, including emissions from high-temperature processes like coal-fired power plants and volcanic activities.

Health Implications and Regulatory Context:

Long-term consumption of arsenic-contaminated water leads to arsenicosis, associated with severe health issues such as cancer, skin lesions, and cardiovascular diseases. Recent evidence also suggests possible links to diabetes, hypertension, and reproductive disorders. The World Health Organization (WHO) has continually updated its guidelines since 1958, reflecting emerging health concerns associated with arsenic exposure. In India, several states (West Bengal, Jharkhand, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Manipur and Chhattisgarh) are reported to be significantly affected by arsenic contamination of groundwater.

Understanding the Problem:

Arsenic exists in various forms, both inorganic and organic, with its prevalence in the Earth’s crust contributing to its ubiquitous presence in the environment. Flooded conditions in rice cultivation exacerbate arsenic uptake by plants, posing substantial health risks due to chronic exposure.

Regulatory Measures and Mitigation Strategies:

Different countries have established regulatory limits for arsenic in food, including rice. Mitigation strategies involve employing alternative grains, water management practices, low-arsenic soil selection, hybrid rice varieties, crop rotation, and organic amendments. However, these measures may not entirely eliminate arsenic from rice, necessitating ongoing research and monitoring efforts.

Goodness Farm’s Approach:

Goodness Farm recognizes the severity of arsenic concerns though found in very negligible levels in the southern part of India. To completely remove off the trace levels of Arsenic, we take two measures to mitigate arsenic levels in our rice production. Beyond tested negligible levels from our paddy cultivation areas, the farm adopts an extra cautionary step to address the issue. One key method employed is phytoremediation, leveraging the natural capabilities of specific plants, such as tiny water-growing ferns like duckweed, known for their ability to absorb and accumulate contaminants, including arsenic, from the soil.

The study on “Arsenic uptake, accumulation and phytofiltration by duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza L.” https://doi.org/10.1016/S1001-0742(10)60454-8 explores the efficacy of duckweed in removing arsenic from contaminated water. Within 72 hours, duckweed demonstrated a substantial reduction in arsenic concentration, indicating its potential for filtering arsenic from contaminated water bodies.

The Parboiling Process: A Scientific Game-Changer

In addition to phytoremediation, Goodness Farm implements the scientifically proven parboiling process during rice production. This meticulous method involves partially boiling rice in husk before milling, facilitating the transfer of essential nutrients from the husk to the grain while minimizing arsenic transfer. This approach ensures that rice from Goodness Farm maintains negligible levels of arsenic.

In conclusion, addressing arsenic in rice requires a multifaceted approach encompassing regulatory measures, innovative agricultural practices, and advanced processing methods. Goodness Farm adapts to these two methods, showcasing how a commitment to mitigating arsenic levels through phytoremediation and the parboiling process contributes to the production of safe and wholesome rice. The efforts of Goodness Farm emphasizes the importance of addressing environmental and health concerns in sustainable and responsible agriculture, supported by scientific research and research backed methodologies.

Maria Jenita, Phd (Food Technologist)